Monday, October 02, 2006

My very first non-recipe: Crazy Crab

Prep time: 0.0001 seconds
Cooking time: N/A

So it's only been about five weeks into school and already I've reached the all-time low of culinary debauchery. That is, I now no longer even have the time to heat up cold food in the microwave. Those two minutes are just too precious. They cannot be wasted. So here is the one meal that you don't have to do ANYTHING at all, no cutting up anything, no washing, no cling-wrap needed - oh but you do actually have to physically open a jar.

You'll need:
  • 1 jar seafood sauce (can be store-brand, some other brand, spicy or non-spicy)
  • 1 package fake crab meat (because pollock made to look like crab is just so delicious)
First you'll need to open the jar of seafood sauce and pour some of it into some kind of vessel conducive for dipping. Then you peel away the plastic to open the fake crab meat package. Then you grab a fork, stab some crab, dip in the sauce and eat.

See? No fuss, no muss, no microwave cooking time required. It is ingenious.

(Ever so sadly, this recipe idea isn't even mine, it's actually something A&P makes for you to get rid of their old crab).

This recipe is not Mike approved.


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